Do you feel like your tattoo is negatively affecting your social, romantic, or professional life? While the reason you got the tattoo was to have it with you forever, you should know that you have options. Laser tattoo removal can help you get rid of a tattoo that you no longer want. It can also be used to help individuals who would like to revise a tattoo that is fading or that they do not like.
How the Treatment Works
When some people think of laser tattoo removal, they sometimes have the idea that the tattoo is burned off the skin. Or they think that it is like other treatments that are used to sand the skin and eventually remove a tattoo. Neither one of these descriptions is accurate for laser tattoo removal.
When you had your tattoo applied, the artist buried ink particles underneath your skin. Because these ink particles are quite large, your body has not been able to remove them on its own. Laser light is designed to break up the particles and then allow your body to remove them. Your body has actually viewed the ink as a foreign invader from the time that your tattoo was applied. The laser treatment just assists your body in breaking down those particles and then allows it to remove them in a natural way.
The length of your treatment and the number of sessions that you will need will depend on a variety of factors. Some of these factors include the color of the ink, the age of the tattoo, and where the tattoo is located on your body.
Start Receiving the Benefits
If your tattoo has had a negative impact on your life in some way, you could fix the problem by using laser tattoo removal at the office of Ingrid E. Trenkle, MD. No matter the reason why you want the tattoo removed, starting treatments with us can help you get rid of that tattoo regret and move on with your life. Our versatile treatments can remove tattoos from an entire region of your body or just a specific part of a tattoo in order to have it revised. We invite you to book an appointment at our office in Sun City or Redlands in order to find out about the benefits that you can receive from laser tattoo removal. Contact us today to arrange a consultation!