If you’re tired of having a double chin and wish there was something you could do to get rid of it, Kybella treatment could be the answer! At Ingrid E. Trenkle, MD in Redlands, CA, we offer this simple and effective treatment to satisfied clients who want to deal with weakening muscles, sagging skin, and the bands of fat that can make any of us look older than we really feel.
How Long Do Kybella Results Last?
You will be glad to know that this is a permanent solution! It works by destroying fat cells, and once those fat cells are gone, they can’t come back. The human body only grows new fat cells during childhood and puberty. Only in very extreme cases of weight gain will a human adult body grow new fat cells.
Kybella is made of a synthetic version of the same deoxycholic acid that your gut produces. In the gut, this acid breaks down dietary fat for processing by the body. When this medication is injected into places like your chin, the deoxycholic acid melts the walls of your own fat cells just like it does dietary fat in the gut. Once the cell walls are melted, the fat stored in them is released and the body gets rid of it.
An Important Caveat
This treatment does not get rid of all the fat cells in the treatment area, nor should it. The human body needs fat cells! You will always have some remaining, and if you experience significant weight gain in the future, it’s possible that the remaining fat cells could expand, giving you a double chin again. However, even in this case, it’s unlikely that your chin and neck will look as large as they did before you had treatment because there will be fewer fat cells left in the area.
If you’re having this treatment primarily because of genetics that make you unusually susceptible to a double chin, or submental fullness, as it is technically known; or if you are mostly concerned about the effects of aging, it’s unlikely that you will need to much to preserve your results. If your submental fullness is primarily due to being overweight, you should be mindful of your eating habits in order to preserve your results indefinitely.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
It all depends on what you’re seeking treatment for. If the main concern for you is the combat the signs of aging, then you’ll likely only need a session or two to get your final results. The same is true if genetics is the main issue. If your submental fullness is particularly severe, or if it is primarily due to weight gain, then it can take up to six treatments to get your final results. Most people won’t need this many treatments, however.
How Long Does It Take To Work?
You should expect to see your final results about four to six weeks after your last kybella treatment. The reason it takes time is that you need to wait for your body’s lymphatic system to get rid of the fat cells that Kybella has killed off. The younger and healthier you are, the more quickly your body tends to do this. Older people can take a bit longer.
In fact, there are actually quite a few factors that will ultimately impact the timeline of your results. For example, smoking or drinking to excess are both hard on the lymphatic system and can mean that it will take more time for you to see results. If your cardiovascular system is in good shape through excellent fitness and a healthy exercise routine, you will see results more quickly. Even your level of hydration affects how quickly your lymphatic system can work!
What Can I Do To Get Results More Quickly?
Pay Attention to What You Eat and Drink
Try to drink about 64 ounces of water daily, and if you’re not actually drinking that much, supplement with hydrating foods like fruit, vegetables, and broths. Produce and broths made from scratch from real vegetables or animal bones all have lots of micronutrients, too, which your lymphatic system needs.
Be sure to also get plenty of healthy protein and good fats. While not eating to excess, it’s still important to eat a variety of good food and provide your body with the nutrition it needs to work effectively!
Get a Nice Massage
Do you really need an excuse to get a massage? Well, now you have one! A lymphatic massage from a certified lymphatic masseuse is best and will help your lymphatic system to work more efficiently. But any massage will help you relax and be good for all your body’s systems.
Get Enough Exercise
This is a simple and healthful way to get your results as quickly as possible. Try to walk about two and a half hours each week at a minimum. This supports your cardiovascular system, which has a critical supportive role in helping your lymphatic system to clear out fat cells after treatment.
Am I a Good Candidate?
It’s likely that you are, but we won’t be able to say for sure until we’ve talked with you. We need to discuss your medical history, take a look at the drugs and supplements you’re currently on, and assess your submental area and your goals. What we’re looking for in particular is that you exercise regularly and eat well most of the time, but just can’t seem to budge that stubborn pocket of fat in your submental area. If that sounds like you, you’re likely an excellent candidate for this treatment!
There are a few other things we look for. For one, you should be fairly confident that you can maintain your current size and weight, to within a few pounds, indefinitely. If you’ve just finished a crash diet, wait a bit to see how your body responds. We also need to see that the skin in your submental region still has some good elasticity so it will bounce back into place once the fat is gone. You’re also a good candidate if you don’t have any heart conditions or blood and circulatory issues.
How Long Does a Treatment Take?
This is a very fast treatment, especially for the big results it provides! The exact time for your session will depend on the dosage you’re receiving, how many injections you’re having done, and whether you’re treating your neck, your chin, or both areas. But in general, treatment only takes about 15 to 20 minutes to finish.
Of course, if you combine this treatment with others that we offer, like Botox or dermal fillers, you can really sculpt your look the way you prefer–and this will take a bit longer. When you come talk to us in consultation, we’ll consider all your cosmetic goals and your concerns, and this will allow us to give you a more exact idea of what treatment or combination of treatments will be best for you. At that time, we’ll also be able to tell you exactly how long your personalized treatment will take.
How Many Injections Will I Need?
Again, we can only give you a general idea here. But in general, mild cases of submental fullness need about 20 injections beneath the chin, while moderate cases can need more like 30 to get the right result. If you have severe submental fullness issues, you might need 50 injections to get your final result.
What Is Treatment Like?
The good news is that this isn’t a painful or uncomfortable process at all. The fine-gauge needle used to administer Kybella is so small that most people only feel a slight bit of pressure as the medication goes in under the skin. But if you want to be certain you feel nothing whatsoever, talk to us about using a numbing cream before we start. If you choose to use a numbing cream, your session will take about 15 minutes more as you wait for the topical anesthetic to go to work.
What Should I Do After Treatment?
There’s no long list of things you need to do after kybella treatment, thankfully. For the most part, you will be able to go right back to your normal daily routine. However, there are a couple of things to either do or avoid doing for the first few days (and nights) after you have treatment. At night, be sure to sleep with your head slightly elevated. You should do this for about three nights.
During the day, be sure to moisturize and wear sunscreen. For the first couple of days after treatment, it’s also a good idea to gently wash the area at least once a day. Use lukewarm water and a mild soap, and don’t do any exfoliation or use any harsh skin treatments during this time.
Can I Use This Treatment To Remove Fat Anywhere?
Kybella is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which has only approved this product for use against submental fullness. Trials are ongoing, and it’s possible that in the future we will be able to use this treatment to target pockets of unwanted fat in other areas of the body, too.
Are There Any Other Treatments To Consider?
When we have had a chance to evaluate your cosmetic concerns and goals, we will be able to give you a good idea of what treatments could help you achieve your goals. Ultherapy is a possibility, for example. This is a non-invasive energy therapy that can effectively tighten the skin in the neck and chin, as well as other areas. If your submental fullness is caused more by sagging skin than body fat, this might be a great treatment to try.
This treatment uses ultrasound energy that bypasses the outer layer of the skin to provide thermal stimulation to the underlying tissues. This stimulates your body to create more collagen, which improves the structure and strength of your skin. There are other treatment options, as well, so come talk to us about what might be right for you!
Call Us Today and Let’s Get Started!
Kybella isn’t a temporary fix or way to mask your submental issues. It’s a permanent solution for removing fat. If you’re frustrated with a pocket of stubborn fat under your chin or bands of fat around your neck, and if diet and exercise just aren’t doing what they’re “supposed” to do in helping you to get rid of them, you don’t have to live with this situation any longer. Call us today at Ingrid E. Trenkle, MD in Redlands, CA to learn more.