If you have a double chin, there are usually three leading causes: genetics, age, and weight gain. What if you had a choice between surgical liposuction and a series of injections to get rid of your chin fat. Which method would you choose? Most of us would take the quickest and safest non-surgical method, and […]
Subtract a Chin with Kybella
When you are able to start doing math with your chins, you know you have a problem. Most people would agree that having a double chin is not the most desirable thing. It is something that can be extremely difficult to get rid of. We invite you to learn how you can subtract a double […]
Eliminate Your Double Chin with KYBELLA
Anyone who has ever lost weight knows that one of the final things to go is the double chin. Simply stated, double chins are persistent and sometimes may never go away no matter how much someone sweats or diets. Some people are genetically predisposed to a double chin no matter what actions they take. Some […]