When it comes to looking healthy and young, collagen is key. That is why Sculptra® Aesthetic, a non-surgical cosmetic procedure, can be so useful for revitalizing your look. It effectively stimulates your body to start creating its own new collagen, giving your face more structure while also reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
The Benefits of Collagen
Wondering why collagen is so important anyway? It is a protein that supports the elastin fibers and hyaluronic acid in our skin, essentially giving the face its structure. When we are young, our faces are full of collagen. The amount begins to slowly decrease while we are in our 20s, but few people notice it at this point. Some of us start worrying about wrinkles in our 30s, and by the time we are 40, we have lost 20% of the collagen we once had. This unfortunate trend continues, with 30% of our collagen gone by the time we hit 50. Knowing this, it is easy to understand why wrinkles, fine lines, and facial sagging are all common signs of aging.
The Benefits of Sculptra® Aesthetic
This treatment is a poly-L-lactic acid collagen simulator. You have probably seen topical creams in grocery stores and pharmacies that claim to help with collagen. The reason Sculptra® Aesthetic is so much more effective than these is that it works deep down in the dermis.
When the poly-L-lactic acid is injected, the body begins to absorb it. This helps stimulate new collagen growth, which ultimately gives your face more structure. The exact number of treatments you will need is something to be discussed at a consultation. Although you will likely see improvements after your very first treatment, it may take more treatments in order to get to your optimal results. Ultimately, it depends on how much collagen has been lost and what your goals are for this treatment.
Who is a Good Candidate?
Good candidates are in good overall health and have realistic expectations regarding the treatment and the results. If you would like to learn more about Sculptra® Aesthetic and what it can do for you, book an appointment at the office of Ingrid E. Trenkle, MD. The knowledgeable and friendly staff is ready to answer questions during a consultation at our office in Redlands or Sun City. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!